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12 oz. Costa Rica

12 oz. Costa Rica


About our Costa Rica beans:

Producers: Jonathan Jost & Marianella Baez Jost
Location: Cañuelas de Naranjo, West Valley, Costa Rica
Size: 5.5 Hectares
Altitude: 1300-1400 masl

Café Con Amor is a high-altitude farm in the mountains of Costa Rica, grown in rich soil under the share of many tropical trees. The volcanic soil is perfect for growing Caturra and Villa Sarchi varieties of specialty coffee. Orange, mango, níspero, guaba, lemon, guayaba and sweet plantains add rich organic material that transfer to the aroma, complexity and rich notes of this specialty coffee. The final product is a clean cup with a smooth honey sweetness, citrus tones, and balanced acidity.


12 oz. available in a medium roast.

North Central College

30 N. Brainard St.

Naperville, IL 60540

Summer Hours: 

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

9 AM - 3 PM

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